You’d think a beer called “Naked Lap” would be interesting and worth a try. Well…it wasn’t. Good thing it was on special and I only paid $2 for 12 ounces of it.

Naked Lap LagerNow, I realize that the Android phone cameras aren’t the greatest (at least compared to a real camera), but see that color? That’s Miller-Bud-Coors-Labatt colored, and that’s bad. Now, I really like lagers, and there are some great ones. This one isn’t one.

I described this at the bar as the “most generic beer I’ve ever had.” And I’m really not exaggerating. It had a slightly fruity taste, but it was VERY slight. There were barely any hops and it really didn’t taste like much. I certainly wouldn’t order it again.

Try this if you like: Miller Lite, MGD, Coors Light, Bud Light, Budweiser, Coors, …you get the idea.